The Finnish Continuation War (1941 - 1944)
Photos courtesy of SA-Kuva
Finnish soldier Lieutenant Lämsä with his M28/30 at a competition
Guerrilla Battalion 2 from the cross-country shooting competition: At the shooting range
Artillery on the march. Training at Niinisalo
The team leader reports the situation in the Maaselä region
Loading a 91/30 in the Maaselä region
A private guard with an M27 in the wilderness (close up)
A private guard with an M27 in the wilderness
Horse column on the way Food Replenishment From place to unit
Off-road vehicles on a school trip
The boys at the front declare their income for the year 1941
Stacks of M91 rifles at 15th Regiment Weapons Workshop
15th Regiment Weapons Workshop and Weapons Law
Aunukse landscapes from Nurmoila on a sunny frosty day: Guard
The replacement has arrived at Lempaala, and preparations are being made for departure for rest
From the artillery fire control post at Lempaala
Boys from Southern Ostrobothnia on combat duty (front view)
Boys from Southern Ostrobothnia on combat duty
Frontline tents at Metsäpirtti in 1942
Boys from Jalasjärvi returning from clearing work in no man's land
Boys from Jalasjärvi clearing work on no-man's land
M27 rifles in a dugout near Metsäpirtti
A dugout on the front line of a Southern Ostrobothnian army
Frontline guards at Metsäpirtti
Boys from Southern Ostrobothnia at an outpost on the shores of Lake Ladoga
Anti-tank gun in position at Suurniemi
Kk-colony. Machine gun nests at Syväri, Segesa peninsula
Fighting trench at Syväri, Segesa Cape
Anti-tank gun at Syväri, Segesa Cape
Korsu at Suurniemi with some of the brave hunters who resisted the 5-day attack on 6. 11/1.1942.
Horses are used to carry miscellaneous war booty away from the battle site
Sighting in M91 rifles at the 2nd Weapon Repair Shop in Nurmoila
Pictures of the AK's weapons repair shop (2nd Weapon Repair Shop), Jv-puoli
AK's weapons repair shop activities (2.weapons repair shop.K): Test shooting range: Rifles are being sighted in
Today we are eating roast hare in the dugout
Finnish sniper with Tula PEM sniper rifle at Lempaala (front view)
Finnish sniper with Tula PEM sniper rifle at Lempaala (back view)
The patrol that destroyed the Russian dugout on Kaljukukkula
Frontline men's activities. Pst cannon is brought to the front and in action
Frontline men's activities. in a combat grave
Picture from the firing range on the edge of the village: A guard in the evening sun
The watchtower at Saunaniemi keeps an eye on the coast and Cape Orlei
Capture of Jyvälahti 3.1.1942: After the battle, war booty, automatic rifles, machine guns, rifles, etc. are collected
2nd capture of Jyvälahti: Troops prepare for the attack
2.AutoK. "olalle vie" phase 1
6.AutoK. rifle inspection
6.AutoK. interior view of the crew tent
A guard at the gate of the Stalin Canal, which the Russians blew up, causing a flood in Poventsa
TK Lieutenant Länsiluoto writes an article at the education officer Captain Valle
Gunner at Lumbusi during 1941
Christmas in the dugout of Viena during 1941
In the north, our patrol dog has tracked down a Russian patrol
Finnish soldiers with a recently killed wolverine near Jelettijärvi
Double guard at the intersection of the highway and the railway at Karhumäki on Christmas Eve
Finnish soldiers cleaning their rifles at a dugout in Lempaala
Pst.cannon in a firing position in front of Maaselkä
Finnish soldier with Tula PEM sniper rifle at forward listening post in front of Maaselkä
A Finnish soldier on post during Christmas night with an M91 on the Karelian Isthmus
A Finnish soldier on post during Christmas night on the Karelian Isthmus
The Christmas tree of the fell watcher
Mass grave on the front line near Aleksandrovka
Russian destroyed blockade devices at Stalin's Channel
Scouting in the Rukajärvi region
Soldier posing with M27 rifle in Helsinki
Captured anti-tank gun at Kiestinki-Louhi
Finnish sentry in a dugout near Rukajärvi
Smoke grenade launchers in position at Ontajoki
Finnish soldier on a hunting trip at Alakurtti
Changing of the guard at Karhumäki. (Enemy movements are being investigated.)
Situational picture of the battles of the ""Pallarin poikien"" (JR 25) on the northern flank of Karhumäki
Finnish ski trooper testing his M28/30 rifle near Karhumäki
II R Pr commander Lieutenant Colonel Nordlund inspects the troops at Käkisalmi
Street fighting at Karhumäki with anti-tank gun
Finnish T-28 assault tank arrives at Karhumäki. (It was the first of the assault tanks.)
The boys of the Ässärykmenti advance towards Karhumäki
Drawing by P.K.Stucke: Finnish soldier with rifle
Loading leaflet launcher at Karhumäki
TK. men shoot leaflets at the Russians with a special launcher
At the outposts in front of Karhumäki
Korvi byways, or back roads leading to the front line
Daily routine in the bunker - sewing
Rifleman at the Syväri Power Plant Village
Submachine gunner at Syväri power plant village
The scouts have evacuated their bathing facilities
Peeking into the window: are there any mines inside?
Perch catch from the winter hunt (30 perches in the fell)
On a winter fishing trip at the foot of Voittotunturi
A fallen Russian soldier in the Hanko harbor
Changing of the guard in the front line trenches at Lempaala
Men in a firing trench at "Halo"
Lieutenant Olli Remes in the Vilmajoki terrain with his M28/30 rifle
Frontline Kk-station. A machine gun captured from the Russians has been turned against its former owners
New snowsuits are being distributed at Karhumäki
Finnish soldiers proudly posing with a recent Moose harvest in 1941
Side support on the shore of the lake. With a keen eye and keen ear, our son scans the opposite shore in case of a surprise
Finnish scout at the Jandeba block
From the stations (war booty per month)
When leaving for work in the morning, the men of the fortification battalion take their rifles with them
There is a strong, cozy, rustic architecture in the interior of this Viena dugout, and even coffee tastes authentic on a table like this
From the staff of Lieutenant Colonel Raninen (from the JR II)
A courier reads a letter he received on the front lines
The film advertisement is being investigated
War booty captured from the enemy, machine guns in the foreground
War booty taken from the enemy on the East side of the Kiestinjoki River
Lieutenant Wahlbeck scouts the area with his 91/30
A couple of comrades-in-arms have met each other in the Helsinki rail station lobby
Frontline guard soldier with M38
The boys are having a picnic at the field kitchen near the old tsa-sauna in Pokrovskoye
Finnish soldier cleaning his M27 during the winter of 1941
Korsu buildings for the coming winter
The dugout was built at Rivalinmäki
Tent on the slope of Munakukkula
Mannerheim Cross candidates: Lieutenant Niemelä (JR 8.)
On Munakukkula, enemy actions are being closely monitored
Finnish ski trooper at Uunitsajoki village
Colonel Puromaa, nicknamed by his boys as "The Rommel of the North", with his staff
The patrol that was supporting the Finnish attack spearhead has taken cover in a pit made by the enemy artillery to avoid the worst of the fire
Making coffee by the campfire, from the east of Kiesting
A guard on the bridge at Paatene
Preparing the speaker cables for the sound truck
A man from Jalasjärvi shaves his beard in front of a dugout a couple of hundred meters from the Russian lines
Reindeer on a frozen lake in Kallojärvi
From the Luton pits: Private Olli Fofonoff
A reindeer (stag reindeer) on slippery ice
The ammunition load is leaving
Troops on the way through Kontupohja
Planning the cutting of the Murmansk railway
Fighting on the outskirts of the village. Activities of the KK and PK
Eating is an important thing
General Blick's division. Service, Pastor Pulkkinen, Major Boisman, Lieutenant Ojapelto
The pioneer makes the landmine harmless, removes the fuse
The small house was occupied by a tenant for 2 hours. Then it was taken back
The combat messenger has brought an important message
Finnish soldiers with confiscated hunting weapons
The message from Karelia has arrived
A five-man Finnish patrol has returned from a patrol mission to the Russian side
Finnish TK interviews a scout with a PE sniper rifle
Finnish warrior, Pekkala, who traded a PE sniper rifle for himself from a Russian during a patrol
The field bishop happily chatting with the men
A guard at the motor pier in Äänislinna-Vehkaoja
The field post has arrived at the front line
The Russian Heroes' Grave in Porajärvi
Finnish soldiers with M27/rv rifles in Laskino
A quiet moment at the mortar firing position
Even on the front line, people eat
The happy elk hunters (Remes' company) return over Kilis
Inspecting rifles at Sirkiänsaari
Transporting the wounded on a stretcher
Autumn has come, but it's still time to sit on the boat and remember home
Artillery company commander Captain Nummel in front of the scope of the anti-tank gun
The view from Laskino's battle slope
Reception of a wounded horse at the hospital
Cannons and motorboats are unloaded from the wagons at Kutisma station
Karelian boy dressed as a soldier
Laatokan Maritime Defense: Cannon and watchman
The railway bridge that crosses the Syvär near Podporoze
"Pole Monkeys" in a burnt telephone pole
The bright wire line is pulled, the coils on a horse-drawn cart
Ansamines are set on the front line
Ansamines (pipe mines) are set on the front line
The speaker is taken to the front line under the cover of darkness
Our group is advancing in the city. Petrozavodsk State University
The boys have found a goat in the city
The found gramaphone has been made to play the "valtausmarssia" (occupation march)
The commander of the assault wagon company, Captain Lumme
The little girl speaks excellent Finnish
The train is unloaded on the Kiesting track
From the pit site, where e.g. In 2 shifts, 400 prisoners in each
A mortar in action. Director at work
Men at stations near Valkeasaari church
Honor guard with flags at the command post of Captain Grafström's Swedish volunteer battalion
The It boys have shot a moose on the side of the road
A Finnish soldier in front of the dugout, which the rut left as a legacy
The Finns advance past the Valkeasaari church
The mail van has arrived at the front line
On the Pisma line before Rukajärvi, the crew of two Boys rifles
The bear and the bear hunter
Entertainment tour of the Tampere Workers' Theater
Spoils of war at Alakurtti
Reverend Rantamaa and the burning attack wagon
The wounded man is carried on a stretcher to the shore of the lake
The troops cross the Rajajoki and water their horses
Finnish soldiers in the middle of the bushes on the banks of Syväri
PP troops on the march towards Aunus
Molotov's picture is shot from the end of the post office
PP troops cross the adjacent footbridge
The prisoner column meets the advancing Finns
Messengers in overhead line jobs
This soldier has definitely watched The Patriot before
2.JPr/6. of the battalion/3. company at the award ceremony
Leväaho and Kolehmainen try to get the captured Russian tank running
62-year-old American-Finnish volunteer soldier Hyvönen leaving for the front
Finnish soldiers posing for the camera in Säkkijärvi
The mortar is directed. Staged!
The Lahti has splattered dirt and soot
A Finnish soldier with his captured JoK near the Russian dugout
Finnish soldier with PE sniper without the scope
The moose in Vyborg is still in place
Forward guard. Sons of Kotka and Viipur
Letters arrive on the firing lines, a captured cannon in the background
Räisälä church after the occupation
A man with a beard shot a machine gun down from a tree two feet away
Destroyed tank at Suojoki
Examining a fallen enemy at Rautalahti
Dry your feet and move on again
Finnish soldier with newly captured PE sniper rifle
5 Russians surrender. Left corporal Hautalamimi, right Hermanni Pihlajamäki
Finnish soldier is inspecting a recently captured Tula PEM sniper rifle
Finnish soldier shakes Lenin's hand
Finnish soldier inspects captured Tula PEM sniper rifle
Finnish soldiers resting after the battle ends in the village of Hallapära
Vanguards waiting for the order to advance at the capture of Kiviniemi
Finnish soldiers waiting on the shore
Lapatossu leaving for the Muurmanni beach road
Train locomotives bombed by Stukas on the Kiesting and Louhe track
Finnish troops during an honors ceremony
This is how the track breaker has operated northeast of Sortavala
A wounded soldier is met at the door and given food
The Lahti anti-tank rifle is a solemn-looking contraption on the shoulder of the boys pushing the footbridge
After the fight, the weapons are cleaned
The cannon is removed from the carriage and quickly taken to the stations
Spoils of war in Ontrosenvaara
The theodolite is set in place for the pilot ball observations
A stench the nose cannot stand
A moment before the attack at Heylä station at 15:00
Mannerheim receives the guard announcement
Wünsche joins the battle with a Finnish M39 "pystykorvalla"
The TST dispatcher gives an order
Lieutenant Raivola leads the attack from the north from his command post
Finnish soldiers transporting grain using a sled
JP1's radio station during the battle at Ristisalmi
Finns & Germans burning Russian propaganda
The ferry is ready to cross the strait
Molotov's picture is being studied
PST gun being pulled into position
Finnish soldiers riding a T-20
A sleeping soldier in the village of Pajari
Gun repair shop men at work in the Repola garrison building
An armored train, spotter on the roof
"forest suits" received from Ryss in Finnish use
Transportation to the front line
Battalion commander, Captain Hänninen (JR 57) at his command post
The patrol negotiates and agrees on the sign before crossing the border
Photo of the gunner Rätö and his interview
Two Finnish bridge guards during 1941
"Iivana" has had a rough time
Ruined M91, but the owner was unharmed
The landing of the gunboat sailors and the motes on the shore of Lunkula, spoils of war
A pioneer group on terrain reconnaissance
Artillery fire director, photographers and riflemen in the front line
Captain Korhonen in front of the tent
Training young people to be soldiers
Training young people to be soldiers
Looking for paratroopers in Kirkkonummi
Pekka Tiilikainen interviews
After the speech, the rifle is scattered and the face is sad
Kk Maxim machine gun in the outpost
The company commander negotiates with the chief fire chief
Carrying heavy mortar shells on men's shoulders
Young people are being trained as riflemen
In Tolvajärvi, the frontline men spend a little time before the start of the hard battle
Commander Major Lundtröm inspects the outpost
Finnish soldiers soaking in the view
Spoils of war east of Omelia
Finnish soldiers ready for a fight
The regiment's interpreter, non-commissioned officer Lustig, calls out over the channel to the regiment to surrender
Soldier with M27/rv at the field post
A Finnish top patrol in the Vuonninen front area having a meal
KK Maxim on the front lines
Troops on the way, Vasonvaara
Finnish PST cannon in action
"Taupakkatauko" on the Kivijoki bridge
The attack has stopped for a moment
Intelligence Department Perttuli's second team
Finnish soldiers familiarizing themselves with the declaration
Company Reiska/18 D Finnish tent
Tobacco is distributed to the troops
81 Krh fires directly at enemy settlements
Transporting the wounded in the forest
Impressing the ladies with a Finnish M91
Kk Company with Boys Anti-Tank Rifle
A cat was found among all the dust
2 captured Soviets are brought from Ristilahti moti
Finnish soldier preparing to advance with his M27
Finnish officers at Repola
Capture of the bunker of the Pioneer strike group. Taking over the bunker!
Finnish soldier with heavy barreled Mosin & feldspaten
Ambulances in Kivivaara are put in an air shelter
Finnish security guard at the border in Kivivaara
The staff moves closer to the firing lines
Lost in the previous war, now recaptured
In the trench waiting for a new order!
Mortar company crawling during training
Mortar company training march
Finnish cavalry troops on the way to Ilomantsi #2
Finnish cavalry on the way to Ilomantsi
Satakunta relay battalion's meal break
General Siilasvuo meets the first wounded soldier during the Continuation War
Finnish soldier with 91/30 rifle headed to the front
Three Finnish soldiers with M91 rifles headed to the front
Finnish troops preparing for a night patrol
The first spoils of the Continuation War
Finnish soldiers chatting with an old timer
A Karelian mother with her children. 10 boys, 7 girls
Finnish soldier with M28/30 studies his map
General Siilasvuo Rattei (Oinonen, Schreck)
Unto Seppänen cleans his M28/30 rifle
Border guards after the battle at the barbed wire fence
Troops on the march on Sulkava road near Savonlinna
The big ski competitions in southern Syväri