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Tents in snow used by 3rd Platoon, Company C, 310th Engineers. 85th Division, Bolshie Ozerka, Russia
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April 8, 1919
American Soldiers who were engaged in fighting near the village of Bolshie Ozerka, a pointe on the allied line of communication between Obozerskaya and Onega, had to live under trying conditions. Here are shown tents which were used by men of the 3d Platoon, Company C, 310th Engineers. The tents were pitched in the snow among the forest trees near Verst 18. 85th Division, Bolshie Ozerka, Russa. Note: The 85th Division, originally composed of troops from Michigan and Wisconsin, was organized and trained at Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan. Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Item 313162741
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