Gefr. Diehl, Kommandant zum deutschen deutschen Verw.fld.laz. Belgrad
Belgrad, 28.5.16.
Lieber Nikolaus!
Indem ich hoffe, dass es Dir und Deiner Familie noch gut geht, sende ich Allen und der Jungfrau der ehemaligen Prinzessin Serbiens die herzlich Grüße.
G. Diehl
Translation into English:
Addressed to:
Acting Preacher
Near Kassel
Corporal Diehl, Commander of the German Field Hospital in Belgrade
Belgrade, May 28, 1916
Dear Nikolaus!
Hoping that you and your family are still doing well, I send my best regards to all of you and to the young lady, the former Princess of Serbia.
G. Diehl
This postcard is a piece of World War I history, sent from a German officer stationed in Belgrade, Serbia. The mention of the "former Princess of Serbia" is intriguing and could refer to a Serbian royal family member who was affected by the war.
Translated using Chat GPT on 2/1/25
Addressed to:
Akte. Prediger
Lyz Cassel
Gefr. Diehl, Kommandant zum deutschen deutschen Verw.fld.laz. Belgrad
Belgrad, 28.5.16.
Lieber Nikolaus!
Indem ich hoffe, dass es Dir und Deiner Familie noch gut geht, sende ich Allen und der Jungfrau der ehemaligen Prinzessin Serbiens die herzlich Grüße.
G. Diehl
Translation into English:
Addressed to:
Acting Preacher
Near Kassel
Corporal Diehl, Commander of the German Field Hospital in Belgrade
Belgrade, May 28, 1916
Dear Nikolaus!
Hoping that you and your family are still doing well, I send my best regards to all of you and to the young lady, the former Princess of Serbia.
G. Diehl
This postcard is a piece of World War I history, sent from a German officer stationed in Belgrade, Serbia. The mention of the "former Princess of Serbia" is intriguing and could refer to a Serbian royal family member who was affected by the war.