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Soldier in Dresden - 1915

Dresden, Germany

Oct 23, 1915

In the adress field (later crossed out):

(To) Mr.

Karl Clesniak (?)


(House No.?) 126 or 128

[Left of it:] Return to Dresden

[Upper margin of the postcard:] (In) Nusle in (house) no. 126 and 128 adressee unknown
[Below:] Ring (Signature?)

[In the main field:]

Sender (is) Arthur Müller

Inf(antry) reg(iment) No. 177

(First ?) replacement bat(talion) III.(third) replacement company

Room no. 18

Dresden N(eustadt)

Interestingly, Mr. Müller wrote nothing else but his adress in the main field of the postcard. The postcard was sent back, because the adressee in Nusle, which is a district of Prague (now the capital of the Czech Republic, at that time part of Austria-Hungary), could not be located. As I found out, an „Ersatzbattallion“ was rather an instruction company than a replacement (or reserve) unit as the German word „Ersatz“ implies.


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