Habe gestern Eure lieben Karten vom 20. Aug. erhalten und danke Euch herzlichst dafür. Es geht es Gott sei Dank noch gut. Hoffe nochmals gesund heimzukehren. Bitte Euch, dem kleinen Immer gefälligst Grüße zu übermitteln. Habe aber noch nicht Zeit gehabt, werde das brieflich noch durchführen.
Ich verbleibe, herzlicher Gruß und nochmals besten Dank.
Euer Pionier Emil Hinthe
1. Komp. 1. Batl. Landst. Inf. Reg. 11
Besatzung von Nowo-Georgiewsk
Battle station, September 3, 1915
Dear Gustav, brave family!
Yesterday I received your dear cards from August 20 and thank you very much for them. Thank God, I am still doing well. I hope to return home safely once more. Please kindly send greetings to little Immer. However, I haven't had time yet, but I will follow up on this by letter.
This postcard was written during World War I from a soldier stationed in Nowo-Georgiewsk (modern-day Modlin, Poland), a fortress that was captured by German forces in 1915. The sender expresses gratitude for receiving letters, reassures his family of his well-being, and hopes for a safe return.
Translated using Chat GPT on 2/1/25
Gefechtsstand, den 3. Sept. 1915
Lieber Gustav, wackre Familie!
Habe gestern Eure lieben Karten vom 20. Aug. erhalten und danke Euch herzlichst dafür. Es geht es Gott sei Dank noch gut. Hoffe nochmals gesund heimzukehren. Bitte Euch, dem kleinen Immer gefälligst Grüße zu übermitteln. Habe aber noch nicht Zeit gehabt, werde das brieflich noch durchführen.
Ich verbleibe, herzlicher Gruß und nochmals besten Dank.
Euer Pionier Emil Hinthe
1. Komp. 1. Batl. Landst. Inf. Reg. 11
Besatzung von Nowo-Georgiewsk
Battle station, September 3, 1915
Dear Gustav, brave family!
Yesterday I received your dear cards from August 20 and thank you very much for them. Thank God, I am still doing well. I hope to return home safely once more. Please kindly send greetings to little Immer. However, I haven't had time yet, but I will follow up on this by letter.
With heartfelt greetings and again many thanks.
Your Pioneer Emil Hinthe
1st Company, 1st Battalion, Landsturm Infantry Regiment 11
Garrison of Nowo-Georgiewsk
This postcard was written during World War I from a soldier stationed in Nowo-Georgiewsk (modern-day Modlin, Poland), a fortress that was captured by German forces in 1915. The sender expresses gratitude for receiving letters, reassures his family of his well-being, and hopes for a safe return.